Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Vent: Drama Like Always

Can someone please shut stupid people up? I hate when people try and mess things up! He's obviously not with you. Nor staying with you. So why are you trying to put on a front like he is?! Get a life... please. Because obviously you have too much time on your hands to make up stupid things and try and mess with people's lives.

He is my boyfriend. He is my man. He is with me. And you know ALL that. So even IF he is saying stuff to you, your trying to mess with him, "or be patient," with him knowing that. And that just looks really bad on your part. There are names for the girl that does that these days... Your waiting around for someone while they stay at my house with me, kissing me, holding me & telling me they wanna marry me? Hmmm... makes NO sense.

Ugh... enough of the venting. Just had to get that off my chest, that is all.

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