Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Woman's Intuition

They say a woman's intuition is always correct, right? Well for a minute here I thought my intuition was wrong, well I was guided that it was wrong, but I got back on track and discovered I was right all along. It's ridiculous how the psychology of an individual works. Trying to make someone feel bad for being insecure and accusing for their past. When all along my intuition was correct. There was something going on. You did have a secret. You were lying.

First off I wanna say you are wrong. Wrong for everything you have done to me. Wrong for saying that I pushed you away, when infact you caused the scars that pushed you away. You pushed yourself away. Second, I wanna say how could you? Shame on me. But SHAME on you. Really. A real man strives towards a future with one woman, honest, for better or for worse, for rich or for poor, in sick and in health. That isn't possible with more than one female on your hands. Or even planning the termination of a relationship, because your planning on being with someone else. I stuck up for you. I stuck by you. And in return I receive lies YET again. I KNOW you were lying. The pictures? The supposed boyfriend? My car being towed? Yeah. All LIES. And on top of that... it already begins. "It's too horrible outside, I'm not leaving the house." When really your already cuddled up with your new girlfriend... that might have to do with why you don't wanna leave the house to get your son huh?

Third, I would like to say females learn a lesson. [No names inserted.] I repeat, do NOT do NOT mess with a male who you know is taken. You are merely a piece of booty, lust, nothing special and you make yourself look ridiculous. Yes people make mistakes, but a repeat offender AKA homewrecker is quite unforgiveable and sleezy. SERIOUSLY. And fourth, DO not be okay with being a secret! LOL... for real? I've learned this, you should learn this. You make yourself look pathetic. Crazy. Desperate... need I say more?

Finally. Good Riddance. Good riddance to all the drama. Good riddance to that life. I'm welcoming a new one. I finally got the closure I needed because my intuition was right. I was right no matter WHAT you say! From here on out, I'm a new woman. Me, my son & ___________. You fill in the blank :) I'm done playing these stupid games. You will realize what a big mistake you made. I'll be sure of it.

Adios ♥

1 comment:

~Lil Mama~ said...

Hey sweetie...Sorry my phone died and I didn't have my charger so I couldn't call you about coming over. I am sorry, but it looks like you probably would've liked to be alone with ur son. You're very smart girl Melissa. Women make mistakes when choosing their men. Especially when they're in love. You did all you could and thats what you have to realize. You were there for him, you gave him a roof over his head, you gave him such a HANDSOME man...And you're right...there are some "homewreckers" out there. And she might think she had him first, but c'mon. I know that Eli is in a relationship with his new women, and I left him alone. She should've done the same...but fuck her, fuck him, and be the strong, independent women you CAN be!!! I will be getting with you soon because I got Gabriel something else cause the other outfit would've for sure been too small. Sorry mamaz, but you'll be just fine, if not better. :)