*Sigh* Things are so different from a year ago. A year ago today I was out partying at the Globe Apartments for Nych's 20th birthday... no worries, not looking back. Man. It was such a fun night. LOL. I remember Nych was completely wasted. He was dressed up at Steve Erkel and his costume was perfect. Justin and Kevin were Luigi and Mario. Stephanie was a bumble bee, I was a border patrol officer. It was one crazy night! I remember leaving the party because someone told us the cops were coming... so we headed off to Kevin's house. By that time, I wasn't close to sober. LOL. Which up that point I was taking care of Nych. Haha... and then somehow we ended up in Kevin's bathroom me over the toilet and Nych passed out in the bathtub holding my hair! Haha... I even remember Nych crying when we got to Kev's house because Justin and Kevin got in a fight outside his house and were rolling around on the ground! Haha. Nych was like it's my birthday [as he's pouting his lip] and my best friends are fighting. LMAO. Ohhhhhh goodness. Oh yeah... and then Kevin kicked us out. Which was lovely of you Kevin by the way! LOL. Nych and I somehow made it back to Grand Valley and the next morning I wake up and discovered something rather embarrasing... lol :) [yes I peed the bed]. Hahahahaha... okay okay. It happens! And Nych and I were both still not coherent so we covered it up and went back to sleep. LOL!!! Oh geez. What a fun night. It's definitely a night I won't ever forget. Happy Birthday Nychlas. We're not even talking right now. But hopefully he's safe on his 21st and doesn't get too smashed. He's gonna be a daddy soon :)
Here's a pic from last year:
[[Me. Stephanie. Nych. Justin. Kevin. Leigh & Angie]]

Now a year goes by and look what I'm doing! LOL. I'm laying in bed 8.5 months pregnant and single. LOL.... wooooo-hooooooooooo! Way to go Melissa. LOL. No. It's all good. I'm content with the way things are right now actually. I know that even though my life has definitely changed, things could for sure be way worse. And I am one lucky woman to have things the way that I do right now. Even if they aren't what I thought they were going to be.
One week till my second baby shower with my family! I cannot wait. I should get lots of good stuff from my family and close family friends. My sister and high school best friend Jordan are planning it. I haven't seen Jordan in SUCH a long time and I miss her so much. I remember when we were little girls playing battleship and pretty pretty princess. LOL. I used to always cheat in Battleship and she would get so mad! Haha... :) We have grown up so much! She's getting married and I'm having a baby! Ahhhhh where has the time gone?! I'm really happy for her.
Well anyhoo... enough of my babbling! 39 more days until my little gee-baby is here :) I can't wait!! Sweet dreams <3
1 comment:
Life is very crazy. Trust me... I'm not at all where I thought I would be right now. I would've been engaged... I still wish I was... but when you make huge mistakes things sometimes change. And sometimes they change for no apparent reason! That's life, though!
I'm so glad to see a strong woman with a good head on her shoulders about to become a mother. :) You're quite an inspiration lil mama! I'm not sure how you do it, but keep it up because that's what that little boy is going to need in his life. <3
Have a great week!
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