Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines: My Baby Boo ♥

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!

Okay so I should totally and completely be in bed right now, due to the fact that I have to work in the a.m. buuuuut... for some complete idiotic reason I just can't get myself upstairs in my bed. LOL. Me and Gabriel are just chilling on the couch watching TV. He finally fell asleep. He was fighting falling asleep for forever. He doesn't wanna miss Valentine's with his mama I'm sure ;) Haha.

Anyways I'm about to walk up to my room and stare at my glorious two dozen red roses, delicious sweet chocolates and enormous fluffy teddy bear. Hahahaha... JUST KIDDING. I wish. You know, now that I think about it, it's been over 4 years since I have gotten a Valentine's gift! Somehow I always find myself single every year on February 14th. This is the first year in like 4 years that I'm not single! :) Yah. Haha...

Well since I'm kinda broke right now, I decided to dedicate this blog, my Valentine's blog to my baby. No, not my baby boy Gabriel... but my boo, my best friend and my one and only.

Here's our story:
It was a sunny day about two years ago, and I was working @ the mall [minding my lovely business I might add]. Haha. When all of the sudden I look across the room to see this goofy silly guy staring @ me with this cheesy smile. I think he saw me look @ him so he looked away with that look like "Ahhhh she caught me!" LOL. The next day it was repeated only this time... he took some action. LOL. Well actually he technically didn't. He sent a little boy to do his dirty work! He bet this little boy $10.00 that he couldn't get my phone number. [I guess I'm only worth $10.00 bucks these days! LOL]. Soooo... this boy walks over and the first thing he says is, "Hey this guy over there bet me $10.00 I couldn't get your number. If you give me it I'll give you half." LMAO... So I gave him my number. [You know, I needed some lunch money. Wink. Wink. LOL.]

Then the little kid ran back to him with my number. Haha. His face was priceless. From there on out, all of those who know Mr. Nychlas know of course he was flirting non-stop! LOL. He even drew me a picture on this little sticky note of me and him [stick figures of course] with T-mobile and Nextel names above us holding hands and a big sunshine and happy faces. Haha... I still have that sticky note to this day! We eventually started hanging out. We discovered we had so much in common. His favorite # was 12, mine is too. He was homecoming king, I was homecoming queen. He played all kinds of sports, I did too. The list went on and on. I found myself falling for him hard and fast.

Eventually you couldn't separate the two of us. We were the BEST friends. Every weekend he was @ Grand Valley with me having the best time in the world. There are SO many memories together I can't even begin to share them all. But I'll just share one in particular that I find absolutely hilarious. Well it was the night of Nych's 20th birthday. There was a halloween party at an apartment complex near the mall. We all met up dressed in our costumes. I was a border patrol girl and Nych was Steve Erkel. Classic I know :) LOL. He was very drunk I might add... At first I was taking care of him... then I soon found myself pretty darn tipsy myself. [When I say tipsy I mean... stumbling over my heels and mumbling my words LOL.] A bunch of us left the party and went to his friends Kevin's house. Well loooong story short, his friends found Nych and I in the bathroom. He was passed out in the bathtub with his hand extended holding my long brown hair from getting in the toilet. And I was passed out with my head over the toilet. LOL. Needless to say it was a ridiculously hilarious night and one night I will always remember. Nych even cried! Haha... shhh... don't tell ;)

Now look where we are! With our baby boy Gabriel. We are completely blessed to have him in our lives. I admit that Nych and I have always had our ups and downs, and things were extremely rough at times... BUT I can say one thing, and that's that I am completely and utterly 100% in love with this boy. When I am down or upset, he is the person who knows how to put a smile on my face. [Besides my baby boy Gabriel]. Whether we're on good terms or bad terms he always has love for me. He is my prince and I am is his princess. He is my boyfriend, my baby boy's father, my confidant and most of all my best friend. Love you Baby ♥

And once again Happy Valentine's Day to all my friends and family! Love you ♥

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