Gabriel had his two month shots today. And it's one of the saddest things to sit there and watch your child cry their eyes out. He got three different shots and just cried and cried and cried. I have never heard him yell and scream this loud. I felt sooooo bad. Nych was there holding his hand, and I was in the background with the camera in my hand about to cry myself. LOL. But I have to remind myself that it's for his benefit :) and I know this... it's just so sad. They should really come up with a better way to do these things. Don't ya think? LOL.

Now Gabriel is running a fever of 102 :( The doctors told us this was common after receiving the shots. I just hate not seeing his smiley face and happy giggly self. He's acting like a completely different baby! I took him up on the counter && was making him a bottle and I was talking and smiling at him and he looked so helpless and sad like, "Momma, why did you let them do this to me?" After making myself look a fool though I finally got him to crack a little itty bitty smile :) Thank goodness. Hopefully my smiles made him feel a little bit better just like his do to me.
I realize how much I rely on that little smile of his nowadays! I guess I can't become that reliant huh? Well here's a video of him getting his shots. Hold on to your horses... you get to see my baby boy Gabriel really shedding those tears!Now Gabriel is running a fever of 102 :( The doctors told us this was common after receiving the shots. I just hate not seeing his smiley face and happy giggly self. He's acting like a completely different baby! I took him up on the counter && was making him a bottle and I was talking and smiling at him and he looked so helpless and sad like, "Momma, why did you let them do this to me?" After making myself look a fool though I finally got him to crack a little itty bitty smile :) Thank goodness. Hopefully my smiles made him feel a little bit better just like his do to me.
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