This is a picture of my best friend Jessica & I @ like the only bar in Big Rapids. LOL. Shooters! Haha... what good times. Obviously we're in the bathroom doing the whole photo shoot!

Awww... these are my FEMALES! Every monday night bowling @ some drinky drink. Ohhh this was so much fun! I miss these days so much!

Me & my old roommate Crystal @ my other roommates 21st birthday party at Higgins Lake! Ohhh man was that a beautiful day!
This was one of the BEST nights ever! LOL. It was Nych's 20th birthday party & Halloween party. These were all the girls I went with and it was a BLAST!
Thank you for adding me! I look forward to following your blog... I've already started to look through your old posts! Ha
I'm sure we would have a lot to talk about since we are both education majors. Spanish is a great thing to teach. I wish I had minored in Spanish, but it's a little late for that now! Ha I also wanted to tell you that Gabriel is a doll! It looks like you're a great mom & he is lucky to have you! =)
Hey! I didn't even realize you started updating again! :D
I love the new look--did you make that header on picnik?
Good posts--I went back & read all of the new ones I missed. :) Dude just tell all of those nosey dramatic b*tches to leave you alone. Sounds like they WANT to be back in high school. Just live your life & don't even concern yourself with bothersome people like that. Boo on them. :)
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