Memory #2: Growing up I lived in a suburb with 16 houses where my best friend Jordan lived down the street. Her and I became inseperable. We spent every living moment together. It's hard to choose one memory with her that defines our relationship. But one of the MANY memories that stands out would definitely be our game time. We would play battleship, and when the opponent was hiding their battleships the other one would have to hide behind the couch. I would always sneak a peak and win, and I remember her getting SO mad. LOL. It made me crack up because she could never catch me cheating. :) Haha... you know that saying cheaters never prosper. Well that moment was totally worth it! LOL.
Memory #3: Another memory that means so much to me is our families Easter celebration. When we were little, all my mom's side of the family would get together on Easter to celebrate. We have a tradition where we fill eggs with confetti and crack them over eachothers head. This meant a lot to me because I was born on easter, and even though my birthday has never been on Easter since... we always celebrated it near my birthday. So I was able to see all my relatives. It was so much fun seeing all the adults chasing eachother, and doing our annual easter egg hunt. I miss those days so much.

Memory #6: My athlete family. Maaaan, do I miss my sports. :( If there's one thing I would wanna go back and do again, it would be play sports. All the girls on every team were like my sisters. They made everything so fun. One memory in particular would probably be Gulf
Shores Alabama. Every year our softball team
would travel to Gulf Shores over spring break and practice and vacation together for team bonding. Laying out in the sun with all the girls and talking about our love lives and secret crushes was such a fun time. Something I will always look back on and smile.

Memory #8: Camping in Silver Lake. :( The dunes are one of my favorite places to go... it's beautiful. And I guess why this place means so much to me is because every single year on fourth of july my mom's entire side of the family would go camping for like an entire week. No worries. Just family. Love and games and fun in the sun. We even rented a pontoon boat for a day and spent it out on the lake. These are memories I would never replace for the world.

Memory #10: Welcoming my son Gabriel Chance Valentin into the world :) That moment was one of the best moments in my life. There aren't even words to describe the emotions that filled me. I was in love the moment I saw him... and I still am to this day. November 18th 2008 was a miracle. My little miracle.