My last doctor's appointment my doctor checked me and told me that I was 1.5 dialated. Which could mean two different things... I could have him any day now or I could remain 1.5 dialated till two weeks after my due date with no progress. It really varies among all women. So atleast I have made some progress right? :) Hopefully I make more progress for my next appointment on Monday. I can't wait to go again already! Here's a pic of me @ 36 weeks!! I took it today!

School... eh... I'm kinda slacking. It sucks I know. I just feel so distracted and so unmotivated. I have other priorities now. I keep wishing that next semester I didn't have to go back and I could just take a one semester break. But that's the last semester I get my scholarship... so I would be basically throwing away about $5,000 dollars. Which I cannot afford! So I gotta stick it to it and push through... :(
As for the BD and I... well... there's not much to say. Him and I have gotten better at being parents. I think it's because it's getting closer. I can tell he's getting more excited. But he still chooses to disrespect me @ his moments. I wonder how is it you can tell someone you love them and then treat them the way you do?? Just doesn't seem right... but then again maybe that's just me. And I wonder how you can just look someone straight in their eyes and lie?? Doesn't that seem kinda heartless... again, maybe this is just me.
Well I'm home alone and can't sleep... Gabriel is keeping me up. But I guess I should try and head off to bed... I have a long eight hours of work tomorrow. Night!!